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Level 41 Bets

Delivering Strategic  Betting Advice to Professional  Sports Bettors

Universally this page of a company's website first tells prospective clients about all the neat and interesting facts about that particular company. We are different in that regard, and believe it necessary to first tell you what we are not, and let this guide your decision making. Our first objective is finding profitable bets for our clients and ourselves and delivering this information privately and securely. We do not have time to build or manage a social media presence. We do virtually no marketing and instead, rely on continuity of existing client relationships and referrals from those clients.  Our time is dedicated to making the best possible bets across the major betting markets which absorbs the majority of each hour of the day. We take a methodical, thoughtful, engaging, and process-driven approach to betting.  We take the business of sports investing seriously as do our clients. Our clients are paying a premium for the best information possible and we go to great lengths to deliver on this expectation. 

We do not offer free trials. We do not negotiate on fees. We do not publish records to non-clients. We treat all clients equally regardless of betting profiles. We understand that other sports services engage in these practices, however, this is not a recreational sports service. This service is for professional sports bettors, bookmakers, and investors. 


All sales and product delivery of our information is delivered by email only. 



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